State & Federal Background CHecks
Our team offers background checks for the FBI, authorized states, financial institutions, employers, and other agencies that require criminal background investigations. Background checks include digital fingerprints. Just give us a call and we can evaluate your needs.
- FBI Apostilles (Call)
- FDLE (Call)
- FINRA ($180)
- Department Orders (DOT, Hazmat, etc.) ($160)
- Arkansas Beverage Control-ABC ($150), MMC. MME.
- Auctioneer-ALB ($65)
- ATF (Call)
- PI and Security-PSC/PSG/CSO/CSSO- ($150)
- Real Estate ($65)
- Conceal Weapon License-CHCL ($65)
- Medical Board ($180)
- Board of Appraiser-APL ($65)
- Board of Counseling-COU ($150)
- Board of Nursing-BON ($65), Students setting for NCLEX $40)
- Board of Physical Therapy-PHT $150)
- Board of Psychology-PSY ($150)
- Board of Social Work-SLB ($150)